Xpressions App - how to use

More information about Groupcall Xpressions
Eyemouth High School now offers the Groupcall Xpressions app which Scottish Borders Council are encouraging all schools and parents to use going forward. This app enables you to have instant access to all school messages in one place; you can send and receive messages and access key information. It also keeps a record of all communications sent and received and can be downloaded onto several devices, so overall is a more user friendly and efficient way of communicating with the school rather than via text and/or e-mail.
Groupcall Xpressions – How to login:
Find the ‘Groupcall Expressions App’ in the App Store or Google Play
Enter the e-mail address you provided to Eyemouth High School in association with your child in school
Register and you will have instant access to all school messages in one place for all your children and also some key information