At Eyemouth High School the first point of contact is always your child’s Pastoral Teacher.
Eyemouth High School has 3 Pastoral teachers and on joining the school, a young person is allocated to one of these teachers. Two of our Pastoral teachers support across the whole school, with approximately 200 students each. This is known as Universal Support. The third Pastoral teacher has a more targeted approach and supports approximately 50 of our students who require further and ongoing support. This is known as Support Plus.
The Pastoral teacher is the key adult who has the overall picture of how a student is progressing. If you, as a parent, wish to discuss any aspect of their schooling, then the Pastoral teacher should usually be the person to contact. Similarly, if the school wishes to discuss progress with you, then it will be the Pastoral teacher who contacts home.
Universal Support
- Mrs McSwan - Pastoral teacher responsible for students in Eye (unless they are in Support Plus)
- Mrs Milne - Pastoral teacher responsible for students in Tweed (unless they are in Support Plus)
- Mrs McNeil - Home School Link Worker with a focus on pupil attendance and wellbeing for Universal Support
Support Plus
- Mrs Black - Pastoral teacher responsible for students in Support Plus.
We have a vertical pastoral structure. As of the 2018-19 session, each of our two Depute Headteachers has an overview of students in a particular group (rather than a particular year). Mrs Patterson is the Depute Headteacher who has the overview of students in Eye (S1-6) and in Support Plus (S1-6); Mrs Fairbairn is the Depute Headteacher who has the overview of students in Tweed (S1-6).
You may also contact the school office with any general enquiries.
Phone - 018907 50363
Email -
Student Absence Information Line - 018907 50464