Religious and Moral Education
Religious and Moral Education will allow your child to explore the world's major religions as well as views that are non-religious.
Your child will think about the challenges presented by these beliefs and values, and their place in the world. They will explore how religious and non-religious beliefs and values are expressed through traditions in religion, society and cultures. Your child will think about their own beliefs and values. It will support them to develop moral decision-making skills.
Your child will develop a better understanding of themselves, others and the wider world. Your child will develop critical thinking skills, the ability to respond to moral issues and develop global citizenship skills. They will develop a richer understanding of the world in which they live.
RME Core topics can include:
S1: Life After Death, World Religions: An Investigation, Ultimate Questions: Origins of Life and Buddhism
S2: The Problem of Evil and Suffering, Animal Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Approach and Moral Decision-Making
S3: Morality and Justice: Causes of Crime, Purposes of Punishment and Case Studies
S4: Tyranny, Philosophy and Film and Alternative Religions: Scientology
S5: Religion Belief and Values Award
S6: Ethics, Morality and Film, Community of Philosophical Inquiry
Religious Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS) is an exam choice for senior school: National and Higher
What RMPS covers at certificate level:
List of Useful Website: